We like to think of ourselves as YOUR collaborative partner throughout YOUR business cycle, offering YOU a platform of professional services supporting YOU every step of the way.
Pro-actively supporting our clients’ advancement in an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Valuing individuals and interactions every step of the way.
We have therefore scouted worldwide, to bring YOU a plethora of services provided by a community of professionals specialized in implementable practical solutions. Available to YOU with just ONE CLICK.
Financial Modelling
We will provide you with a financial model that …
- is easy to understand
- will support you in making informed decisions
- will provide you with a cornerstone in garnering investments
- will assist with capital optimisation and efficient use of available finances
Accounting and Financial Services
- Valuations
- Assistance in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Compliance Services, where we provide resourceful and innovative solutions for regulatory and environmental challenges
- IFRS support and implementation
- Interim management
- Working capital optimization
- Due Diligence audits
- Preparation of financial statements
- Audit preparation and reviews
Continuous Improvement
Agility in an organisation enables it to thrive in a continuously changing environment. We assist our clients in this growing, learning, adapting environment to uncover new opportunities and add new value for our clients:
- Cultural transformation
- Change management
- Team strengthening and coaching
- Scrum and Product owner support
- Business model evaluation and re-modelling
- Design thinking
- Product prototyping
- Process optimisation
Sustainability Auditor IDW
- National and international auditing standards
- Sustainability audit with limited and reasonable assurance
- Data acquisition, databases
- Focus: ESRS
- Supply chain law
Tax Services
- Budget 2020 advisory services and support
- Corporate taxes
- Employee taxes
- Digital taxation
- International taxes
- Global Mobility taxation
Run-off Services and Solutions
We provide you with the complete end to end solutions for your whole or part legacy business:
- Claims Handling
- Asset Management / Credit Control
- Financial and Regulatory Reportings
- Audit and Reviews
- Scheme of Arrangement
- Reconciliation of Contracts
- Reserves Analysis
- Pre-Commutation Audits
Since 2010, Reimund Stiede has been lecturing as a professor at the FHDW University of Applied Sciences and the Academy of International Accounting (AkiR GmbH), engaging students in international accounting with a focus on insurance.
ESG Reporting Service
- Regulatory environment
- Basic sustainability reporting concepts (e.g. GRI, SASB, TCFD)
- CSRD, taxonomy
- Fundamentals: tipping points, climate scenarios
- Definition of ESG
Everywhere anytime
Across Germany, Europe, South America and around the world, we offer both, targeted time-critical initiatives and long-term support for YOUR work process, strengthening YOUR team’s capabilities.
- Projects in Germany and Europe 67%
- Projects outside Europe 33%
- Short-Term Projects 43%
- Long-Term Projects 57%
Have a virtual coffee with us to discuss how we can walk YOUR journey to success together
Finden Sie uns
Stiede Consulting GmbH
Adolf-Emmelmann-Straße 57
D-30659 Hannover
Telefon / Fax
+49 511 8980 8968
+49 511 8980 8967